Category: Uncategorized
The Myth of Eurynome
Beginning birthed out of Chaos, the impulse to Life, Animation; this concept of genesis, gave centre stage in the early Greek Mythologies to a very great and old Goddess, a distant echo of primordial longing. Eurynome is the Pelasgian Mother of All Things, most ancient of original imagos; she embodied all that was born out…
So Where’s Mom?
This paper is about God. Nothing small. Nothing we could actually put in a box. Actually, it’s about Mrs. God. Also nothing small; but interestingly enough that’s exactly what happened to her. In our story, in a box, behind walls, behind veils, behind bars, sealed up … vaporized… gone. I began this paper wondering about…
Old Goddesses Never Die
Somethings never change – and most of our ancestral problems are mirrored in the myths that they created to give meaning to Life and all of its mysteries. What to do with Mom and Dad is the plaintive cry of the child as Mom and Dad grow old and progeny end-play each other in a…
My Sufi Dream
It is fitting that this poem by Hafiz seeks to begin for such a ‘wonderful and wild companion’ as Hafiz is just so likely to burst right into the beginning of things. Although it seemed spontaneously chosen when I first opened the book, the poem is in fact a great metaphor for my Sufi Dream…
Hymn to Gaia
Gaia mother of allfoundation of allthe oldest oneI shall sing to earthShe feeds everythingthat is in the worldWhoever you arewhether you live upon her sacred groundor whether you live along the paths of the seayou that flyit is shewho nourishes youfrom her treasure-storeQueen of Earththrough youbeautiful childrenbeautiful harvestscomeThe giving of lifeand the taking of lifeboth…